about us
In the Places Where Philosophy Was Born, Students Are the Real Protagonists.

Our Mission
Philosophy Festival in Greece®
Is an educational and cultural event dedicated to high school students from 16 to 19 years old. It is designed to meet the need of philosophy as a shared practice and to support traditional school teaching!
The Festival offers students and accompanying teachers a deeply impactful cultural and emotional experience: it is a magical agora where teenagers engage, learn to listen to themselves and others, and challenge themselves. It fosters the relationship between teachers and students to create spaces of trust and reflection, promoting critical thinking.
Through experiential learning pathways designed to encourage personal growth, teenagers—the real protagonists of the Philosophy Festival in Greece®—experience an active methodology that places the person and their feelings at the center.
It was born in a symbolic place of Western philosophy, ancient Elea, and has become itinerant in 2012 , offering its activities in some of the most enchanting locations of Mediterranean culture: Ascea, Paestum, Metaponto, Matera, Gallipoli, Lecce, Syracuse, Noto. Since 2015, it has also extended to Greece, visiting the cities of Athens, Delphi, Corinth, and Epidaurus.
The PFG’s educational project consists of specific activities aimed at philosophical training, developing awareness, and creating artistic languages and codes. The strongly innovative aspect that characterizes this journey is the action-research methodology, which is expressed through some of the event’s signature activities:
- Philosophical-theatrical walks in areas of particular historical and artistic interest
- Philosophical dialogues with university professors and internationally renowned philosophers
- Pratical Philosophy Workshops, including theater, music, expressive movement, visual expressions, photography, meditation, and radio
- Competitions (agón) for young talents